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Everything posted by SouthCoastMA

  1. my dad is in his upper 70s and had the same thing happen to him. he said he had a couple babe Ruth's and Micky mantles
  2. I wish I remembered this one as a 3 year old: "L.A. TIMES ARCHIVES FEB. 10, 1987 12 AM PT FROM UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL A blustery storm that battered the Northeast and buried Cape Cod under 2 feet of snow and drifts 10 feet high swept farther off the Eastern Seaboard today as the National Guard moved in to aid in the cleanup effort." This quote would trigger a young PF or PhineasC 'I should open a ski resort down here,' said Jeff Grant, 25, owner of Spinnaker Records in Hyannis.
  3. I'm pretty sick of this pattern we are in. Give me warmth or give me snow, and not this purgartorial bs
  4. Yes. fun stuff with a 2 week old infant and no power. plus a tree crashing into my house, missing me by about 5 ft. to be honest, I can't remember so many damaging tree storms in a relatively short period of time. starting with Feb 13'. Throw in this storm, plus Oct 2021
  5. If you can shift that entire pattern 500 miles east, could be interesting.
  6. Definitely some promise from the 10th on, no doubt. For my own sanity, my shades remain shut until next week before I flip up one of the blinders and take a squinty peak at the landscape.
  7. the week around St Patty's day has always given me that wintery vibe. I don't mean just this year, but most years.
  8. Wake me up during the ides of March, or maybe a few days before.
  9. I'm also in a software company. I could see them pushing it to 40% but from my standpoint, we work in various buildings anyway so I actually see my staff more on Gmeet/Zoom than I did when in the office.
  10. My company just made masks voluntary, and we only need to be in the office 20% of the time. Sweeeet
  11. the 12th is closer to mid month than the 10th. either way, who cares
  12. but it didn't anyway. it offered a Lakes cutter around the 12th
  13. Saturday looks pretty cold. Sunday looks like rain holds off until afternoon.
  14. last dead ratter here was 10 years ago. mixed among several below normal winters were several above normal winters and 2014/15, which more than cancels out 11/12. it could be worse, even on immediate coast
  15. Ocean enhancement is the icing on top of the icing for you guys.
  16. classic SWFE for the Cape with Truro/PTown doing relatively better with their latitude.
  17. warmer SSTs could argue for stronger systems off the coast, and bigger storms, but why interior SEMass as the bullseye. I sorta like the theory of the warmer SSTs promoting more dual low systems chasing convection vs wound up inland runners but that could also be a recency bias observation
  18. just a coating this evening (maybe .2") after it changed back to snow. the morning was basically a 5 hour sleet fest with periods of pixie dust mixed in before it changed to Rain around 1130. Total around 3"
  19. why would it shift east, and not north? I feel like you're applying the cc argument incorrectly here. it's probably just more luck
  20. you are but my area has been below or average (this year) for the past 4 years. unless you mean over the past 20 or so, then definitely
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