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Everything posted by SouthCoastMA

  1. rgem whiff. cant believe we are 12 hours out and the range of solutions varies between a complete whiff and 2"+
  2. 05 and 15 are the benchmarks here. not sure they can be rivaled any time soon
  3. which model is correct? they've all been bad up until this point
  4. and let's not be shocked when the 12z euro comes back west. horribly unreliable especially with the 6z/18z runs thrown in
  5. bright side is maybe this year I won't need to rake well into december
  6. I don't think anyone is calling for a euro result? nice strawman
  7. GFS is west, but nothing like the Euro. looking good for some rains in eastern areas at least
  8. The RGEM looks a bit better too. solid rains in ESNE and most of C/NNE
  9. eh, I thought the icon looked the same or even a smidge better. but no point debating the icon
  10. I think something like the cmc/rgem has is still on the table. where eastern areas get some rain
  11. The euro is out to lunch with a complete whiff. ain't happening
  12. man 18z gfs is such a wet blanket. we'd be brushing it off in winter as an off run while deep down inside feeling a creeping depression
  13. 261 days again until you're disappointed repeatedly for the following 3 months is a tough life to live. godspeed
  14. so it's either wanting 59 in August vs the ones hawking extreme dews/AHATT. I'll just take normal summer weather thanks
  15. Hopefully this trends back a bit, but I'm not convinced yet this will be a complete whiff glad I got the .3 today though
  16. The GFS total accum map thru 384 is Stein nightmare fuel
  17. clips eastern SNE too. I doubt it's right
  18. wet with onshore flow. quite different from the warm, moist, southerly deluge that was being hinted at 24-48 hours ago.
  19. checks out - .75 total since Tuesday
  20. stein has been smoked out of many areas, but is still on life support here. one more good storm and he's a goner
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