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Everything posted by SouthCoastMA

  1. That is true - I wanted to emphasize the here as me being within 2 miles of the ocean. interior Upper Cape did a bit better like you said. I think the SST's did have a big part of it - so hopefully by February that issue is somewhat neutralized. Also, I shouldn't complain too much because it did have a nice wintry appeal for over 30 hours..and just enough to enjoy some outdoor time. But deep down, I want a biggie.
  2. Note on this past storm: Without a real source of polar/arctic cold that isn't rotting, and during a time of above average SSTS - I"m tossing all snow maps to Jupiter, for here. Plenty of flags were raised by mets, and I mostly agreed with them but not to the extent that it panned out. 1.8" total but max depth maybe got over an inch due to the constant melting. I thereby am not getting too excited until I see arctic air in place or nearby. Just give me a storm that starts out in the teens, and maybe maxes out to 30° with a solid H to the north of us.
  3. Shutting the shades here until late month. Pattern doesn't look that interesting to me this far south
  4. It's going Annular. jk There's been consistent OES in between these pinwheeling bands..but it's only dusting the existing .3 of sleet/snow we got earlier today. Looks like another one might clip EMA again.
  5. Divide by 6 or 7 and the euro nailed it. (edited because my math was wrong) 2-3 degrees colder and we likely have 10"+ of paste.
  6. Not surprised about a couple of those Cape totals, which occurred a few miles inland from the water. My locale fought the ocean most of the storm, but I was lucky to get over an inch. If you drove a 1/2 mile/1mile closer to the shore from where I live..there was basically nothing on the ground.
  7. so COVID. up to 2.5" on the season. Don't worry, late Feb will rock
  8. same. actually accumulating better than yesterday's heavier snow, probably due to the sleet
  9. Snow here at the moment. incoming radar looks good
  10. Plenty of melting overnight with temps above freezing. just patchy areas left
  11. Seems like straight ocean enhanced or OES at this point.
  12. Managed to make these earlier with the kid. Had to settle for the vertically challenged snowmen with limited materials
  13. The HRRR had snow regenerating here overnight. Then again it's a piece of shit so who knows
  14. about 1.3". it has basically compacted as it fell
  15. another band starting up. this should stick much better
  16. it's been snowing moderately, with heavy bursts, for the past 5.5 hours with an inch to show for. East Sandwich had a dusting. perhaps we score a few tonight. temps are dropping and snow rates are a bit better than radar indicates
  17. My backyard has about .75-1" and my front yard has barely anything (light coating). My wife said there was a bit more driving down 130 to Mashpee which is inland more. this next band is do or die for bigger accumulations but it looks progressive
  18. Based on what I've seen so far, sticking to 2-4". I think PYM county better shot at 6"
  19. Took about an hour but finally coming down heavily and accumulating on grass and cartops lol. Fighting the warm ground a bit. I think a met mentioned there was a DGZ growth issue for a while since what was falling didn't match the radar. looks like it's better saturated now
  20. It's pretty much all snow at this point and blowing around like crazy. starting to stick as well , though not a ton yet
  21. My gut tells me I'm too close to the water to see the 4" amounts. That may happen just south of here in the hillier parts of Sandwich or off canal a few miles. Similar idea to that BOX map. Nowcast
  22. It's a mix..alternates between heavy wet flakes and mixed rain/snow..as expected so far. Hopefully we can cool down a bit more
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