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Everything posted by SouthCoastMA

  1. You could tell early this AM with the spotty radar returns and what had already fallen. Best stuff made it from RI to EWB then it kinda shredded. Then throw in the warming temps after mid-morning and the rest is history.
  2. +2.3" 10.3" YTD MVY has 16.0" fwiw
  3. it's a sloppy mix..and down to around 1" left. dude is having a rough winter
  4. I recall now - I think it settled south of me (Acushnet at the time) right along 195 and got messenger pretty good as well. But I think the jack was in that Fairhaven/Mattapoisett/Marion/Wareham corridor.
  5. I do remember one where we got around 7" on the Southcoast, but I feel like it was sometime in March 2013. I could be wrong though
  6. The stubborn primary insists are going about 50-100 miles too far north before it happens. Strictly at 5h though, it looked slightly better to me, while the precip maps still look like dung
  7. Doesn't this also correlate with a stronger block though, and therefore more confluence? Check out the last three cycles of the EPS..strengthening block pushing the transfer slightly southward each time.
  8. My coworker just reported ~6" in Dartmouth. Was a bit skeptical until I saw this post. SW was best, which was modeled pretty well - but I didn't expect 6".
  9. 2.3" - accumulations are pretty much done here.
  10. coming down nicely. I wish the temps would hold a bit longer
  11. I got what I expected. seems like it busted further inland on front end (in MA - specified so I'm not attacked by the CT crew) and radar doesn't look very impressive. I know it will fill in later but temps will be an issue right along coast.
  12. eyeballing around 2" edit: measured 2" on the dot
  13. I try to be helpful when bitching about a storm by employing the term 'here'.
  14. It would've been a decent storm here if the E winds didn't kill us with the BL after 8am. 2-3" should do it
  15. Wasn't overly excited here due to the east winds..euro is awful here, yikes.
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