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Everything posted by SouthCoastMA

  1. I guess it was worse elsewhere, lucked out here being far enough east with the ULL to the west. Touched 60+ all three days, and sun most of the time.
  2. This is what shite looks like, not the past three days. https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/?parms=local-Rhode_Island-02-24-1-100-1&checked=map&colorbar=undefined
  3. mostly sunny and pushing 60 again. The last three days have been fine temp wise with occasional sun, but i know tomorrow and Friday are gonna suck
  4. Who cares about a furnace - we will take and 60's and 70's in May.
  5. Light at the end of the tunnel at least. Thursday and Friday look the worst, while the next two days look manageable. Saturday and beyond it looks like game on for warmer temps.
  6. 2.16" on the ambient - the lawn looks great
  7. we'll have a few days of hell at the end of the week, but otherwise April hasn't been bad here. either seasonable or slightly better in my opinion
  8. This looks like a storm that would've happened this past winter.
  9. do you go with the high tube socks and shorts, or the baseball pants?
  10. Friday and Monday could be decent, temp wise.
  11. GFS is much worse than the Euro OP. Euro OP mixes in some days in the 60's over the next 7. I think it's a given we'll have several shit days in the 40's/low 50's but I'm going to sell the wall to wall misery over the next two weeks.
  12. seems nicer than advertised today
  13. That's a more souped up version of the one I currently have. No complaints here with the system itself. My main issue is the my mounting location which I have to fix, especially for wind readings. I also have a +3-4° bias due to proximity to my asphalt roof, so I need to look into a 6ft mounting pole for both wind and temp. It was really deflating during the Oct 2020? wind storm when my max reading peaked out at 38.6...when we had gusts between 75-85 in the area.
  14. Snowy owl ftw. Only 2 or 3 locations on the Cape though, so not really a huge chain. I'm just lucky to live within a mile of one
  15. I guess it was decent a few miles inland. pretty rough right along the coast, struggling to get into the upper 40s
  16. GFS has been consistently showing a pinwheel of gloom and doom at the end of month...CMC and Euro are much tamer, with some warmer temps mixed in by the end of next week
  17. 47° in full sun. too cold, and not enjoyable tbh
  18. the backdoor doesn't look that impressive this afternoon. maybe shave off 8-10 degrees here by mid afternoon, but still relatively warm. cooler by evening but who cares at that point
  19. If it's anything like this past winter, the troughiness in the East will show up in the long range, and never fully materialize as depicted. I don't think the end of month will be consistently as nice as the past few days obviously, but I'm not sold on complete shit at the end of April. Sure, there will be a few days in the 40's/50's, but mixed in with days in the 60's.
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