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Everything posted by SouthCoastMA

  1. GFS OP keeps us in a pretty frigid regime while the rest of the country torches
  2. Prestige Worldwide is still wet behind the ears.. with a continued lack of snow he will be a grizzled and jaded member of the board in no time
  3. So, whats the deal with the primary now gaining more latitude..northern stream now much slower and not diving south as much as previous runs?
  4. Our last legit threat for the next 2+ weeks trended warmer, plus the long range confirmed to back down the toilet. Still some time for the day 5/6 to trend a bit colder with the secondary forming earlier and/or an earlier infuse of the polar air moving south...I guess.
  5. Yes, same here. Maybe the biggest Cape Blizzard in recorded history. Your area cleaned up as well
  6. I'll take the periodic warmth. Just give me a pattern that mixes in storm chances
  7. EPS and GEFS have a cluster for Day 7.
  8. Wouldn't be shocked if someone in Wellfleet/Truro/Orleans/Eastham area getting 4"+ overnight/early morning
  9. .2" here, wasted opportunity granted further down the cape got over 2"
  10. In Barnstable, mod snow maybe borderline heavy at times
  11. dim sun no make wang long most models have us 1-2" down here. outer cape may double up on that with OES Sunday
  12. Outer cape might gets some OES Saturday Night/Sun morning. maybe
  13. I was hoping for this last year, but I'd take a Feb 1987 to cap the winter off. likely would cause some excessive melts inland though
  14. correct. I miss the old George though..he'd be pimping that model and slinging around the B word in his posts to the tune of 10+ s
  15. yen and rupee'ing our way to an epic winter along the south coast
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