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Everything posted by SouthCoastMA

  1. Almost 40 here. Either the NAM is right, or its basically a Coating-1" here. I've lived here long enough to know that snow has a difficult time accumulating in December without heavy rates or an impressive airmass in place. This might be the storm that the NAM gets it's annual heave into the model dumpster. I'm not making any proclamations yet though..leaving room for Tip to be onto something.
  2. some wet flakes/rain here but not amounting to anything. 35.6°
  3. Granted, I was more intrigued due to the proximity to Christmas..so I'd be happy with a coating or inch. But the COC tease of getting the ccb close enough was just that.
  4. Miss those days I'd honestly be surprised if the NAM doesn't it reel it in a bit at 12z..especially given the HRRR.
  5. Thanks, I briefly glanced at 0z and yeah it did look slightly better than 18z. Waiting til 12z for another bump nw is fair; we wouldn't need a ton of improvement here.
  6. But we now we look forward to a few flakes very early Christmas morning, before changing to a nice cold steady rain for most of the day.
  7. It was more like yesterday's 18z brought it close enough for a COC tease and since then there have been no noticeable improvements in the 0z/6z runs. heavy precip develops too late/offshore. I didn't stay up
  8. Trust me. I want it to be real. But I need 2-3 consistent cycles of improvements to get invested again. We are within 96 hours so if that happens then I'm more than willing to get fully on board so that tomorrows 12z runs can again rip my beating heart out
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