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Everything posted by SouthCoastMA

  1. I just want a frost to kill the EEE skeeters. Then we can go back to 80's afterwards.
  2. 1991 - Hurricane Bob (storm surge @ swifts beach) Dec 9th 2005 - Nuke CCB preceded by Sun/Rainbow Jan 22 2005 - Blizzard Date Unknown (early to mid 2000's?) - Microburst1 TS Irene - Microburst2 March 13 1993 - Blizzard conditions (1st whiteout i can remember) for several hours followed by pounding sleet Honorable Mentions: Feb 2013 - Tree damage from Blizzard Blizzard 96 April Fools 97 Feb 14/15 2015 Blizzard TS Floyd/Hurricane Sandy
  3. Not a drop here. My lawn loves how these storms always dissipate just to my west.
  4. He'll do what Gronk will do this year. Not play
  5. Over 1.5" here. looks like the taunton area was in the 7/10 split
  6. Maybe some heavy rains if there's a PRE, which is looking more likely as of late
  7. Didn't receive a drop yesteday. Hopefully we can get something tonight.
  8. Like how every noreaster is a potential 1/22/05 or 1/15 due to the gulf stream
  9. Bob was historic for my local region..(the top part of Buzzards bay). We had a 12ft-20ft surge and many houses in the Swift Beach area were destroyed or swept completely out to sea. I can't imagine if it hit during peak high tide.
  10. It's somewhat burnt here, but I have a lack of shade / trees to assist.
  11. Not one drop here Saturday or Sunday. great weekend
  12. The bait keeps flowin', and the fish keep bitin'
  13. Could be an AI Bot that was fed all of Kevin's responses over the years - it finally had enough material to go LIVE this year
  14. If lucky we'll get in a cone of uncertainty 5 days out or grazed by the spaghetti models...but ultimately blue balled, aka Eduardo'd
  15. It's compacted to about 4" or 4.5" of waterlogged cement now after it rained/sleeted around 4am. Went out around 2am and it was a solid 5.5-6" before it changed over. Roads are mostly wet though. Glad I didn't have to drive to Foxboro today for a meeting where the roads must be a lot worse
  16. It thumped pretty good here before the mixing started. Prob around 6" of paste. Congrats to those further north though
  17. Snowing lightly. Expecting 3 or 4" before sleet
  18. Decent storm. 4" of paste in a winter like this is a Win in my opinion
  19. I'm curious about the lower cape up to PTown. They must have several inches given the radar over the past few hours
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