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Everything posted by SouthCoastMA

  1. Touched 62.4, but starting to drop a bit now
  2. It's already 60.1° here..but yes we will drop into the 50's later. Approaching 70 in CT? Not quite 50 vs 70's.
  3. some sn/rn showers pinwheeling down next 36 hours. should be the last flakes of the season in SNE
  4. 4-10" right down to the south coast is really impressive for 4/7
  5. True..but should be some responsibility on those people not to believe everything they read or hear. I know i know, a lot to ask.
  6. 4.8 magnitude 5 km NE of Lebanon, New Jersey pretty solid for the northeast. the vibrations travel alot further on the east coast due to the limestone
  7. nothing yet updated on the earthquake trackers. wish I felt something
  8. The ones that love dews must have Central cooling or heat pump/mini splits for whole house cooling. I can't imagine there being a large tp stuck to ass contingent..
  9. Nice..lets get to 15". I'm sure you're having some compaction..is that a depth measurement or did you clear? Radar says you are about to get croaked again too.
  10. radar still looks solid over Lewiston..what you got?
  11. I'd take some pings but I'll enjoy the cold rain instead. cherish the pings, it could be worse
  12. Saturday looks nice. NNW winds and temps in the 30s with rn/sn showers pinwheeling down
  13. Yeah it can stay where it is. I can stomach being 50 miles from it.
  14. yeah. had a ton of rain..then about 15-18" of snow? I can't recall the exact measurement
  15. This 13 year old weenie wrote an article about it (that no one asked for) in my middle school newspaper. Definitely a top 5'er for me...but I know it was even more epic further north near you. I still have a distinct memory of wearing shorts/tshirt and playing bball with my cousins in Cambridge a couple days prior with temps in the 70's.
  16. Yeah, basically it's when someone says "I have perfect girl for you, she's so nice!"
  17. For like 2-3 cycles at 6+ days out. Shouldn't have been even close to invested given the seasonal trends
  18. Hope your reverse psych works. one last punchers chance in a brutally persistent season
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