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Everything posted by SouthCoastMA

  1. It's snowing dandruff..wintry but not accumulating. Just stopped by E Sandwich beach and the waves had to be 8ft+
  2. Glad he got to experience Jan 27 and this. About as good as it gets along the coast
  3. The 18z paragfs has 3 lows traversing the st lawrence valley, and another 4 lows whiffing. Chefs kiss. Like Jackie Bradley in a 14inning game, 0-7
  4. One eye open, hugging my pillow tight
  5. +PNA is always better for storms here...regardless of the NAO..in my humble uneducated opinion.
  6. Airmass still sucks after this storm, even if the next one decides to get close enough. Still looking towards mid month and beyond for anything worthwhile down here.
  7. Given that's it's primarily liquid here..I'd rather have it be a complete miss tbh. With that said, I'm leaning towards the NAM being full of sh*t.
  8. We would need a mega ccb..but even then I can't imagine more than an inch or two
  9. Yeah..lot more to overcome even with better dynamics. These airmasses blow and suck..especially in early winter on the Cape
  10. I'll save this post the next time we jackpot and you have sun and clouds.
  11. So basically EMA needs a potent comma head to cash in, at least down this way. Not counting on it yet
  12. Pretty sure the -NAO broke it..more than it already is
  13. What on earth is the CMC doing. It's sending a cutoff bowling ball past Bermuda
  14. Nice little 1/2" whitening this morning. Will be fun bringing the toddler to the Heritage Garden lights tonight. I shall not speak of the upcoming Grinch storm to her..too young, and too innocent.
  15. I mean if it's going to be a grinch storm, might as well be extra grinchy and have some positive downstream effects.
  16. Had an inch overnight, wintry look this morning. 6" total
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