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Everything posted by SouthCoastMA

  1. I believe the long-term studies will prove it is real.
  2. Some of those claiming long COVID could be just having anxiety..so wouldn't be surprised if their is overlap. But it is very real. My wife was getting 'brain zaps' for about a month straight which wouldn't allow her to fall asleep out of fear. These were physical, not mental. She still feels buzzing in her head every night, but to a lesser degree. She cannot fully exert herself yet without feeling out of breath, to this day. That's only a couple of the symptoms, including tingling in the hands/feet, and basic nerve issues. We have Abnormal EEG's to back it up, and a myriad of other elevated test results like Cytokine panels..but it's still hard to prove a connection literally, other than it all happened after a mild case with flu like symptoms last March and a tight chest. However, as you should be aware..viruses can trigger downstream effects, like auto-immune reactions that are indirectly brought out by a virus. This one I read a few theories that the OG Covid (alpha, (the virus that likely escaped the Wuhan Lab) seems to have caused most of the long-covid patients..and perhaps the mutated versions have not resulted in as many long-covid patients. I don't know why though. I will say she has also had a swollen throat for the past two months. We initially thought it was allergies, but doubtful given the medication hasn't worked.
  3. My first summer living on the Cape..I've grown a new disdain for cars with NY, CT, or PA plates.
  4. Since the delta is far more contagious..I wonder if this is the catalyst that finally brings us much closer to herd immunity, in addition to the current vaccination rate. Also, the peak of this wave will likely burn out quicker as it rapidly finds any remaining hosts before we hit that immunity tipping point.
  5. Good post. My wife has been living with post covid effects going on 16 months now.
  6. I think the US number is close to accurate, if anything a tad high. I believe many other countries have vastly underreported deaths; India, Brazil, Mexico, China (obviously), perhaps Russia.
  7. Yeah I agree with this. I was half joking with that post.
  8. No I agree..most of the covid vaccine resistance has been between the 18-35 demo..hardly anywhere near the average Trump supporter age. Though I still think a decent percentage would go get it because he said so. Maybe it's 5%, maybe it's 10. And maybe that % already did.
  9. Trump is urging folks to get the vaccine. I guarantee if they renamed it to the Trump vaccine, the fully vaccinated would go up about 20%
  10. UK cases already dropping. We are 3 weeks behind them so this wave isn't going to last.
  11. The roads are still mainly dry here. Gotta be less than .01 to this point
  12. That cell in Plymouth is heading here..curious to see if it makes it before *poof Edit: so fn predictable
  13. Been about 5-6 days since the last drop..need one of these to breach the forcefield
  14. How is your area with OES. Seems like a decent spot?
  15. I bought that same exact model this past Spring. It worked great, for the price. I ended up not using the bag because it fills up within seconds if you have a lot of thatch. I just raked it up afterwards and bagged it with my reusable lawn bags. Overall, it was very much worth the purchase.
  16. Yeah..130 out of how many? probably 10's of thousands of vaccinated individuals. The delta could be more effective at breaking through..but nothing is suggesting the MRNA vaccines aren't doing their job. Here's another - I'm actually pleasantly surprised with the last sentence, given the age of those infected. A Cape Cod nursing home has reported 33 cases of Covid. Fortunately, all have been vaccinated and have no or mild symptoms.
  17. And this is why we need to stop the case counts - they are doing their job (so far)..in preventing serious illness. Morse reported most individuals are experiencing "mild symptoms." According to medical experts, fully vaccinated individuals are far less likely to become severely ill, and hospitalized, if infected with COVID-19. https://abcnews.go.com/US/cape-cod-covid-19-cluster-grows-130-infected/story?id=78956381
  18. Isn't this Jeff Bezos' rocket ship?
  19. Not many can relate, but it's been frustratingly bone-dry here the past 2.5 days - relatively speaking...with storms firing about 10-15 miles to my west and north and not moving eastward. It's like a canal forcefield.
  20. Good call. I have an EGo lithium leaf blower as well. Thing is badass.
  21. I recently converted from a gas to battery powered weed trimmer (dewalt 20v). After seeing how quiet and easy it is to use..i don't know why I lived without it for so many years.
  22. context has lost all meaning I guess.
  23. my company banned the terms 'master' and 'slave' with respect to computers/drives. God I can't wait til these silly games end - problems of progress, and the beginning of the end of western civilization.
  24. There's a Treehouse about a half mile from my home now. I'll have to check it out. Though I don't run 20 miles a week like DIT, so I might have to limit my consumption.
  25. First day back in the office tomorrow - I was originally supposed to go in yesterday, but just getting over a bad cold - go figure. 1st time sick in over a year.
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