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snowblzchance N CLT

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About snowblzchance N CLT

  • Birthday 04/26/1969

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Matthews / Mint Hill, NC (12 miles SE of Uptown Charlotte)
  • Interests
    Clemson Tigers sports (Yes - inlcuding basketball LOL), Carolina Panthers, Golf, Music, and mostly spending time with my wife and two children and good friends!

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  1. Light snow falling in north Charlotte (Sunset Rd near I-77)
  2. Thanks for the analysis! So in future runs what should we be looking for to help amplify those disturbances without loosing that beautiful dome of high pressure? Is it that the angle of approach of the northern stream diving in is too far east creating a dry WNW flow instead of more of WSW flow like in earlier model runs? I know we’re basically looking at squeeze play setting up along the thermal gradient between the NS and the Southeast ridge. Is it a matter of having that gradient setting up more WSW?
  3. My buddy says it is snowing south of Rock Hill so that’s a good sign l think for us in southern Meck Co / Union Co
  4. Sorry, not picking on you but I want to use this as an opportunity to voice something that’s been bothering me about this for a few days. Are we really going to give him credit for a good call? I mean, yes, he’s correct that there hasn’t been measurable snow in Raleigh so far this season. But really there hasn’t been snow below 3500 ft in our region prior to yesterday’s surprise. So the fact that it hasn’t snowed in Raleigh is not shocking. Having lived in Charlotte for more than 50 years I can promise you that a couple of snowless seasons here and there is NOT unusual. Would you give Brick or Tarhole Mack credit for saying “It’s never going to snow here” in December and it eventually happens that way? I don’t think anyone here would unless the poster provided scientific reasoning behind their proclamation. Why should it be any different for someone with a red tag below their display name? If he had provided any reasoning behind his posts I would be willing to give credit. But he hasn’t (not even once) that I have seen and I read this board daily so I doubt I missed it. And now his posts come across as having an agenda, which is surprising to me because I know he wants snow as much as any of us.
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