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Posts posted by TugHillMatt

  1. 2 minutes ago, wolfie09 said:
    On Wednesday, southern stream sourced shortwave trough trending
    toward impacting eastern forecast area with light
    precipitation, mainly in the form of snow. PVA from the
    shortwave with divergence aloft provides most of the forcing as
    stronger low-level convergence and moisture transport is tied
    into sfc low which will be shifting off the East Coast Wednesday
    afternoon. Look at forecast soundings and 2m temps points to
    wet-bulb cooling keeping majority of the precip as snow, though
    a mix of rain/snow showers is likely on edge of stronger lift
    /mid-level cooling with shortwave. Still will be sharp western
    edge to this system with only chance pops BUF to ROC to SLV. In
    terms of snow accumulations, could see as much as a few inches
    from NY/PA line to Finger Lakes and over higher terrain east of
    Lake Ontario. Given marginal temps in the lower 30s, most of the
    snow will be at highest elevations

    We'll see. Some mesos have increased the totals, while others have cut back. Per usual, guess who's on the edge of the line...and a cliff? :P :) 

    • Haha 1
  2. 17 minutes ago, wolfie09 said:
    Will need to continue to
    monitor the trends as this system could produce several inches of
    accumulating snow and also gusty west-northwest winds on Saturday as
    the deepening system lifts across New England and very chilly air
    for this time of year pours across the lower Great Lakes region.

    This would be the FIRST WNW lake enhanced event with a Low pressure here in 3 years. There's been some N and NW events...but not the WNW that provide for snow desert of the Cuse. Hopefully we can get this to happen.

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  3. 13 minutes ago, rochesterdave said:

    This feels like it’s 10 days off. It’s not. Precip could start in as little as 100 hours. I think this is a pretty high confidence event. Precip types and exact track are probably up in the air for another 48 hours. But this should be an easier forecast than we’ve had. More like the early Feb storm than the stupid sliders we’ve had. 

    There you go. That's what I was talking about earlier. As you can tell, I am more positive about this event than most of the other ones this season. It's a different track than what we've seen.

    My entire school community was on a high from the record warm day yesterday. I ruined it when I kept sharing that snow was possible several times this week. Muwahahahaha.....everyone here knows me as the "crazy guy who loves snow."

  4. Elmwood Cam looks to show decent snowfall coming down in Buffalo right now.

    Quite the front across New York state today! Dansville went from 30s in the early afternoon to 60s a few hours later, and now down to 46 with rain. Surprisingly, here in Syracuse we've stayed in the Upper 30s all day. Looks like the front got caught up in the higher elevations in the southern end of Onondaga county, as it's 40 here right now and in the mid 50s down in the Tully area on the southern end of the county. Sometimes that north wind can trap the cold air here in the Lake Plain.


    1 hour ago, rochesterdave said:

    Slow down Matt. Don’t get your hopes too high just yet. Still lots of spread and a decent potential that this does the same thing a lot of them have done. Syracuse and points east are on a razors edge. 


    Hey, like I've said, I call them as I see them. :) I mentioned yesterday that our best shot of a Noreaster was this upcoming weekend. The way the jetstream is setting up with that cold push of air cutting south makes this one of our best shots of the season. It's not so much relying on a high pressure to our north to squeeze in enough cold air while a system stalls over us. The models are showing this Noreaster look more today, with a very widespread snowfall. It's not as much of a narrow band. If it comes to fruition, that would be awesome. (I do understand your cautioning me though. :) )

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