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Everything posted by Whineminster

  1. radar shows ice in N ORH Hills....can anyone confirm? I can't I'm not there.
  2. so nothing on the horizon until end of month?
  3. Yeah they are everywhere......makes me wish i rode back in 1985
  4. England seems horrible for weather.... although I'm going to Wacken music festival in northern Germany in August.... doesn't look much better. Good thing these places have lots of history and culture because the food and climate ain't drawing anybody lol.
  5. Yeah....when we supposed to drop below 32 anyway.
  6. 4"-5" at the NH birder, everything's been trending so much colder
  7. 4" a lock for @HoarfrostHubb and @subdude and lollis to 6" for @monadnocks
  8. you and I on an island with this one.....Hubby gonna bust too low. Wanna be right on the north side of the mix line for max snows which is trending that way, like EC shows.
  9. Should see southern trends continue today, 4-5"
  10. My thing is that people always say, "oh I don't care about pack"....and..."deep cold does nothing for me".....but this is the perfect case where it has, because we had a big storm and are near normal but people still complain, which means everyone is in fact a pack person and an ACATT (in the winter) person, but won't admit it. Honestly if we had some sustained cold with the amount of snow we've had everyone would be happy.
  11. Mostly rain probably. but what's this little rain turd that's moving through now? I thought it was supposed to be snow showers.
  12. muthafawcas better give me 3-4" to make this event worth it. coming in at night which helps.
  13. I'm surprised you're snow as you don't have much elevation right?
  14. https://www.wachusett.com/The-Mountain/Media-Center/Web-Cams.aspx Crazy. Pure rain here in FIT. But looks like a slamming at the mountain and mi casa.
  15. 2 hour delay at home, just plain rain here in FIT but you can look up at the hills and everything covered in ice/snow.
  16. Dude likes to blame his lawn on everything else but himself. Not that hard to grow grass in the North Country....it's always wet with plenty of precip.
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