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Everything posted by Whineminster

  1. Yup same here, sick. Hopefully not carrying nCoV-SARS-2 in the water droplets.
  2. You seen the latest maps? Congrats Merrimac Valley. Just posting the facts bro. And Hubbie agrees with me.
  3. things look like their sliding east, so the jack is moving east towards Mr. 40/70, typical
  4. Yeah but it basically all came in early December
  5. Why do you post in here but never in the covid forum?
  6. Soooo do we snow next week or what???
  7. Well hopefully we have a nice spring with not much misery mist.....if we get an awful spring that would just be a nut kick
  8. Whattya the whole New England Regional Rep or something? Driving around kingdom come lately like N of Pike chasing milfs and a couple mountain flurries.
  9. He started it guy, insulting us Yankees.
  10. I'm pretty sure people are smarter in New England than anywhere down South......
  11. Only Tuesday. Could come back, but unlikely.
  12. This winter everything has cut more and more as you get closer, so having OTS at this time frame ain't a bad thing i would say. Probably track over CQX when we're done.
  13. You don't even seem that excited about it!!!
  14. I'm near Hager Park/Meeting House pond......like 2 minutes from downtown.
  15. Yeah I don't have that much, decent in the woods.
  16. we always knew it was going to be a book ended winter
  17. Not sure where you got 5"....maybe 3" of crust, then grass showing in exposed southerly faces. Maybe in Royalston it's 5".
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