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Everything posted by Whineminster

  1. Wowweee... another weekend of crappie covid weather. So nice.
  2. How much rain you guys end up getting on Friday anyway? Those cells just weren't moving at all and kept dumping.
  3. Wow you're waaaaay ahead of me. There's little buds that bulging on the red maples but that's it. Lawns just started greening the last few days.
  4. Really? I've seen one twice in my driveway and then once on a walk....it was just chilling on a log staring at me so I ran away.
  5. I might cry myself into a SAD coma until July 4 for our one month of summer
  6. Not good for getting people outside and away from the virus
  7. We haven't had like a week straight of drizzle like we do in some springs, most systems haven't lingered too long, and most days you've had at least half of it salvageable.
  8. I think this spring demonstrated that New England is the safest place to be on a warming globe. Most boring place for weather on the planet. Can anyone think of a place with more boring weather? I'm talking inland. Any place on the sea is a trip. Maybe old England is more boring, but even they have their gusty gales.
  9. Are we of the opinion that these delayed spring warm ups are due to CC? It just seems weird that we have cold spring and falls and warm winters.....I feel like CC causes the climate to become more homogenous because the earth is warmer, but with more warmth comes more clouds and moisture, which causes temps change less. My uneducated 2 cents anyway.
  10. Enjoyable winter leaves too early and enjoyable summer is always way too far away here. Most of our months our just stuck in kaka limbo.
  11. Been mixing here for a while but nothing crazy
  12. We've been watching Stranger Things, not bad I like it. But I'm into weird sciency stuff like that. Show's I can't stand are those period dramas and movies like Pride and Prejudice and North and South blah blah soooooo boring.
  13. oh, so you're basically jigging then? I'd be mostly shore fishing small rivers - Nashua, Phillips Brook, Falulah Brook..... If i get out in my boat though I'll give it a shot. Thanks!
  14. What have you been using to catch trout? Looks like the state stocked tons of brookies around my area within the last week or so and I want to get out on Saturday. I recently picked up one of those "trout magnet" kits and caught a rainbow, only been a few times though.
  15. Brutal outside right now. Surprised I'm not under a Wind Advisory. It's windier now than it was at any point yesterday, or that so called "big wind" event last week.
  16. Not impossible, just rare. Espcially if it's multiple storms. You can get one big 30" storm but that doesn't count. When do we leave this ACATT pattern? I know even you are ready.
  17. Hard to get a pattern with this much moisture in Winter, unless it's 2015.
  18. It's freaking MAY!!! WTF are we doing?????? Summer is short enough as it is around here!!! We should be doing our first cut in a week!
  19. I wonder if you took Mitch's climate at sea level how far north you'd have to be, Sept-Iles QC?
  20. why no one posting about this? Supposed to be our most exciting event this sprang.
  21. i mean....if it's gonna snow, let's bring 'em to the ground and make it worthwhile. Honestly though I'd rather snow than wheel o'rhea.
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