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Everything posted by Whineminster

  1. lol. It was mostly to get Phin riled up about our impending doom.
  2. CNBC: U.S. heading for 'dangerous fall' with surge in delta Covid cases and return of indoor mask mandates. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/08/us-heading-for-dangerous-fall-with-surge-in-delta-covid-cases-and-return-of-indoor-mask-mandates.html
  3. Nice storms popping just north of the NH border here it looks.
  4. tomatoes getting too much water now.....fungus going to set in after Elsa considering it's dewey and stormy even after she passes
  5. 2 times in a week. Best storms again in the AM on the warm front.
  6. Lil sh*t storms stopping, big storms popping, do it!
  7. Hinsdale Helicity? If it's looking good maybe I'll drive up WaWa and check out the anvils while they move in. I think they let you drive up until like 8 PM no?
  8. Ok but does the center of the storm have a less probability of passing towards the edges of the cone, or is it the same percentage of probability throughout the whole cone?
  9. Last night was far more impressive so far
  10. Not for me, we'll get some. All it takes is one CTG on a pine in your yard and it makes it best storm ever.
  11. clearing here.....off to the races! Go go go!!
  12. What did you do, stay up all night?
  13. Unless this one becomes more deadly, since it escaped from a lab?
  14. Any time we depend on a morning mcs to clear out .... It never pans out like tip says. Usually the MCS makes a better storm then the actual supposed severe event.
  15. Yeah super loud cracks and booms. Woke me from a dead sleep.
  16. How do you cut all this old growth forest and assault nature with ATVs in Southborough? I feel like you live in Milan NH instead.... And I'm jealous!!
  17. looks like the GUI is upgraded as well?
  18. But whyyyyy would you drive it like this? You ever check the oil?
  19. Yeah but it's still not very hard so far, good thunder tho
  20. basically popped up right over my house.......but I'm not there but I can see it from FIT. Someone in Lancaster will get their tomatoes watered.
  21. Napa Tree/Watch Hill, Misquamicut, Gooseberry, Weekapaug......you know the spots.
  22. So beautiful out. Was just outside for 3 hours and loved every minute of it. What a joy and blessing to all to have days like today.
  23. I'm going to finish painting my shed in a bit. Is it possible to be too hot to paint?
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