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Everything posted by Whineminster

  1. Saigon 2.0 like you said. Obviously the Taliban is somewhat liked there I assume because they took over so easily. At some point the people have to decide their fate.
  2. Not even a drop here. 7/10 split like always
  3. I loved the COVID-19 talk, too bad posters from outside SNE had to ruin it. Let's be honest about what happened.
  4. But you live on the ocean and are a half hour away from the buzy azz Cape..... Strange
  5. Maybe the infrastructure bill will fix it lol
  6. You would think we would have seen at least one hospital go "over the brink" during this whole thing, but we don't because the field hospitals see like 2 people
  7. They've been terrible. Mosquitoes too. Deer flies haven't been that bad on the other hand.
  8. Some big rain producers Ashburnham to Winchester NH area it looked like
  9. Is that church lol? Place looks like a lifetime fitness building.
  10. with using suckers instead of shiners
  11. Wow that's a nice one! Washed down from the nissitissit
  12. DIT said it would trend north, and it did
  13. Did you retire out there or something? Jealous.
  14. We really need some heat to close out summer, this is pathetic.
  15. Yeah that was a sweet event.....best I've seen. No power 3 days.
  16. Get those IPA's ready for a pre-game damage cell-ebration inebriation
  17. This is so cool, wish it happened more often
  18. Yeah they're making a big deal out of this "booster shot", at least the media is. It's not that unreasonable to think you would need another shot like you do w/ almost every other vaccine.
  19. looks like a nice cell. Right along the fly over or airplane or w/e that section of Rt 9 is called.
  20. we aren't returning to normal because of big brother....it's not like the virus itself is grabbing a mask and putting it on our face lol. We might spike a little, but then subside. It'll be ok.
  21. Can see lots of lightning off in the distance, at least the flasheritos.
  22. I have the Janssen shot guess that means I'll die if I get delta lambda sigma phi epsilon
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