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Everything posted by Whineminster

  1. All the supposed "cold shots" have been muted as we get closer to them.....
  2. You ever been that crash site near moosehead? Creepy that all the pieces are still there, and sad.
  3. I think unions are good for negotiating fair wages, benefits, standard review and safety practices.....but it seems they more often than not protect the bad employees versus the good.
  4. China is the root problem of all this. Virus came from China (probably even a lab)....hiding the virus and letting it spread. Everything in the world being made there. Artificially keeping their currency under valued.....now Evergrande and a new housing crisis.
  5. it bodes well for winter to keep it warm as long into turkey day as possible, so when the sling shot back happens it's cold and snowy
  6. Anywhere it's cool and misty and gray all the time.
  7. Ginx is right, hen of the woods, some chicken of the woods, some buttons. Some other generic ones that grow at base of oaks....not sure what they're called but they're good in gravy with sausage over pasta...mmmm.
  8. With all the wet this year the wild mushrooms have been out of control..... Picked like a bushel the past week.
  9. Yeah the ports aren't going to run at 50% as an SOP.....they want to run as close to full to maximize profit.....so when some ripples came along w/ covid, trying to ramp back up is not easy.
  10. It's insane. Cars....houses....food....gas. Never mind that you can't find parts for anything. Glass....paint....car parts. Went to Sherwin Williams the other week shelves were bare.
  11. He poo pooed the derecho we had last October that caused outages for almost a week in N MA
  12. we need power bro, and deers like the yummy early successional forest under p lines
  13. yeah but that's like 2500 FT.....not a fair assessment.
  14. Smallmouth starting to school up - saw about 200 of 'em in 6 feet of water up in NH. Weren't biting anything, but some honkers in there.
  15. Then winter will fly out the window. No snow until after turkalirk day please.
  16. Yeah not sure what folks are expecting, it's poo back to the NY border probably
  17. Don't even bother to look at pick ups.... it's insane. People I work with still buying cars.....I be like you don't even need one, don't feed into the insanity!
  18. Maybe some of the .7 that actually fell ran off the cover over his closed pool into the rain gauge?
  19. Yeah Saturday is going to end up a washout for folks east of river, and cloudy with showers west of the river. Sucks.
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