yeah I had a small echo backpack blower.....then upgraded to the PB-770H. Can't believe I did it all those years with a little pea shooter. Now I'm thinking of upgrading to the PB-8010. A leaf blower is one of those things you don't go small on. My old man used to do his whole yard with a little toro plug in thing....would take 3 days. Now he's done in like 5 hours lol.
I have the cheapo walmart Hart for a blower and chainsaw, just for doing the little stuff that the big guns aren't needed for. I have milwaukee for power tools.....but honestly the new ryobi brushless stuff looks fantastic for the price.
I just tried a battery chain saw I bought to complement my 24", thing rips for being only a 14" lol. The only thing is if you're doing firewood you better have a lot of batteries.
yeah I sold 3 ETH during the robinhood fiasco because I thought they were going to go under....I bought those 3 ETH when they cost like $ i'm pissed lol.
Cousin from Bourne is driving up here to pick up my generator lol. Some friends in sandwich said cell service is very spotty, and 3 trees alone came down in his yard. Wild.