We get severe sometimes, Princeton had a TOR and FIT had a microburst that blew off a church steeple and stabbed a lady in her car. Sadly she did not make it.
Sounds like the Mennonite couple went over their bag limit. I never have great luck catching white perch I get one here and there but I can't say I'm targeting them either
I just walked thru a tiny bit of grass at the local trout hole and got like 10 on me in 10 feet, and they were crawling as fast as ants lol.
93 on my deck out of the sun.
I saw that, sad. My old man always wanted to go since moving out here from the 01760. I didn't realize they didn't have onsite drinks......not the best business model but it is a monastery sooooooo
Lululemon has to be swapped out for LuLaRoe at the Fitchburg city line. Too fancy. Event at Game On? Gonna scorch up there on a south facing hill that's been clear cut.