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Everything posted by Whineminster

  1. So rainy, some said we'd be steined....
  2. Oh you know what happened..... Still, maybe ban him from OT but the weather side his OBS and pics were nice.
  3. If all that got dealt a Major blow is FMB and Sanibel I'd consider this a win, you don't hear a ton about catastrophic damage in FM itself or Cape Coral
  4. Yeah we don't have nice falls anymore, it's summer until first week of September and then boom, doom and gloom and cold until Christmas.
  5. Seriously. FMB is a narrow ass sand bar. A typical run of the mill noreaster would cause issues there. I feel bad, but some areas just shouldn't be rebuilt.
  6. There's a reason they say go to an indoor room! I get it though, I'd be out there too!
  7. 10000%. I could not imagine leaving my pet behind in a situation like this. I'd figure out a way, or stay with it. I may be a shitmuncher but we agree on this.
  8. What's up with user and the drudge report giant font? Like figure out a way for 12 point Arial dude, it doesn't need to take up my whole screen.
  9. Rivals @CoastalWx October noreaster last year. IMO noreasters don't get enough respect because we're not 5' above sea level for miles.
  10. Maybe on FMB and the barrier islands, but inland it doesn't seem to be as bad.
  11. Got an uncle with a place in Naples, wonder how it's faring?
  12. Excuses. Go live in a car for a couple days. Talk with your neighbor. Walk to the shelter.
  13. I'd be moving right back to Cape Coral. Now that the big one hit, there's a good chance you won't see another one in that area in our lifetimes.
  14. I like how it's sped up to make it look worse than it actually is lol
  15. Unless I was on a barrier island, or right on the bay (like a few blocks back, then I would 100% stay.
  16. Lol looks cool on satellite, but a pita to navigate. I thought it would be cheap homes being it looks so sparse, but it's not.
  17. Time for me took at properties in Port Charlotte.....good discounts to be had
  18. Yep. Weakening has begun. People can stop with the doomsday looking at every radar frame for cherry picking signs on how it's strengthening
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