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About Whineminster

Profile Information

  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    1,100' N ORH
  • Interests
    Snowmobiling, fishing, ATVing, hiking, beers, severe

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  1. Don't tell that to The Hive in OT..... You'll be labeled just another "sh*tmuncher broken white man" as they call it lol.
  2. I have no idea how Canadian Maritime people do this for months on end.
  3. Yes, there's a little patch in Concord I pass sometimes that has the color. I'd like to grow it as cover between my neighbor and I but I think that's illegal?
  4. Best advice is to find a bear tree they say
  5. I have a big 230V through the wall unit... Installed Wednesday, and I'm not uninstalling way too heavy lol.
  6. One cool week in a sea of red climate maps.
  7. Yup. I'll be doing it this weekend. The first heat blast is the sign.
  8. I mean you could just drive up for the day it ain't too far
  9. Back end was decent and front end was ok, other than that it was toilet.
  10. Hopefully we burn some woods down, no foliage yet, perfect conditions. One can wish. I wanna be able to post a pick of Wawa's slopes on fire like we're out west.
  11. Yep. Pretty rough here still at KBED. Brightening, but likey just the mid day sun.
  12. This mank is pretty beefy.....I'll be surprised if we break out of it by dinner time. Torch FTL today most likely. Never underestimate April's nooseworthiness
  13. Cool. Almost makes it seem like a real mountain range.
  14. I know the CT River valley and then east on NH 25 is absolutely horrible for snow. They usually have less than me. 1,600 ft is pretty high up though..... I'm sure it holds on to pack pretty decent.
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