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Everything posted by LSC97wxnut

  1. I'm not going to post it, but I took a "before" photo with some water in the garage area around 10:30. The close up of my car and feet was at 11:17 and we were evacuated about 10 minuets later, so I am extremely lucky to have gotten my car out of there. It wouldn't have been 5 more minutes before I would have been bailing water out of it. I did speak to someone who did indeed have their car in there and he said he was happy to take the claim. He said the car was burning oil and he was facing a hefty repair bill! All in all, it was pretty amazing how fast it happened. Sure shows how flash floods are no joke.
  2. The building management company evacuated my building due to water in the roof and basement.
  3. Under that cell in Needham and zero lightning and barely any wind where I am.
  4. Pouring again here. A little wind and a lot more lightning than the other times.
  5. Yeah, pouring again. It's so humid out it must not take a lot of lift to get it to rain.
  6. Just been told by MIL there's street flooding going on in Washington Square in Brookline. Still barely sprinkles where I am in Newtonville.
  7. Pretty dark from the cells popping up to my south,
  8. Rumble of thunder in Newtonville. Looks like the worst of the line will slide to my south?
  9. Pretty cool watching that Berkshires cell explode on cod.edu.
  10. Makes sense to put the FFW out. These cells are training pretty good.
  11. Some gusty winds and couldn't quite tell if there were a few peas mixed in, but it didn't seem severe here in Newtonville as that cell blew through.
  12. Best light show in Newtonville in a long time. Unfortunately it's happening as we're trying to get out daughter to bed...
  13. Same. Hearing the thunder from the cell around Framingham currently.
  14. Skies seem to be brightening a bit in Newtonville between the batch moving off-shore and the next round coming ashore in SE CT? Also, unless the radar fills in soon, file below under you know this would happen? Rain shield seems spotty at best in Central NH currently.
  15. NASCAR canceled today's race in Loudon already and they almost never do that this early. Now watch the backside of the line will blow through by 2:30-3:00 and it not rain up there the rest of the day.
  16. The Brimfield antique show is this week and it looked like a cell just went over it.
  17. Our phones just lit up with a notification to evacuate the Esplanade. Flash flood warning incoming?
  18. These quickly growing cells at the 128/Pike interchange have quickly put out a couple of good rumbles of thunder and gusty winds.
  19. Totally. We're in New York today and it's an amazing forecast bust. We have our rain coats, boots, and umbrellas with us and dressed for a 63* rainy day... So far, *knock on wood*, it's mostly been a cloudy, 68* afternoon with no rain on radar anywhere...
  20. Some smoky haze this morning. Can really see it on visible.
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