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Everything posted by LSC97wxnut

  1. Even cut in half, a nice storm for so early in the season.
  2. How close are we to though? I mean, when the GFS and the Euro appear to be at least on the same page...
  3. If these recent runs are anywhere near correct, a lot of SNE is going to wake up from their Thanksgiving hangover Monday morning and go "WTF"?!?
  4. Yep. Same in Newtonville under that little OES cell.
  5. Light snow flurry in Brookline Village.
  6. Yep, flakes around. It comes in bursts though. Snow when the precip rates ramp up, drizzle when it slows down.
  7. Thought I saw a couple flakes in the Waltham, MA area. but can't 100% confirm.
  8. Out trick or treating with the daughter between 5:30 and 7:00 or so. A little drizzle and breezy, so not to bad. Really warm and muggy though. Felt more like late May/early June than October. A couple of Ariels and Moanas not needing undershirts tonight. Kids seemed fine without them.
  9. Can't find a link right now, but heard he had to evacuate his house because of the CA wildfires.
  10. Heh... Isn't Denver weather prone to wild swings like that though? I feel as though I remember the year Payton beat the Pats to go to the Super Bowl in NYC it was 65* and sunny on the day of the game, but it had snowed like two days before and again the day after.
  11. Went out just after 5:00 in Newtonville, weirdly not windy at all at that time. Only leaves and small twigs on the ground. Breeze is picking back up a little bit at the moment though.
  12. Really bad time for KBOX to be down... Maybe they can borrow the NBC-10 radar truck and park it near the canal?
  13. That's one way for Lyndon State (or whatever they are calling it these days) to get significant snow out of one system.
  14. Well... https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/text/refresh/MIATCPAT4+shtml/111450.shtml
  15. Of all the days for someone to forget to feed the hamsters running the server...
  16. Yeah, that would be quite the solution at 216. 2 hurricanes off the Atlantic seaboard would be quite the all-time satellite photo and would most likely melt down the forum...
  17. Blizzard of '78 - I was 4, but I have vivid memories of snowbanks taller than me and sliding down all the snow that had blown between our cars and my dad being home from work all week because nothing was moving. 6/1/2011 - Working in Marlborough, MA at the time watching the cell develop and seeing the board light up when the first reports started coming about the tornado in just as I was leaving for the day. Darkest western sky I can remember seeing from any daytime storm so far away. Hurricane Gloria - I think I watched Dick Albert and The Weather Channel non-stop as a young 11 year-old the days leading up to the storm. We had a huge yard with no overhanging trees, so I spent a lot of the storm outside in the wind once we lost power as we were on the dry side of the storm. Jan-Feb 2015 - I am putting this stretch of weather in as I was living in the Cleveland Circle area at this time with our 7 month-old daughter. Watching the snowbanks get higher, and higher, and higher was amazing. Just nowhere to put the snow by the end. That combined with trying to push a BoB jogging stroller around after parking who knows how far from our apartment because of all the semi-abandoned cars buried by the snowbanks. Ice storm 2008 - Living in Maynard right on the Assabet River at the time just on the edge of the accretion. The hillside above where we lived was covered in ice and bending trees, but down where we were, it was OK. Drove to the office in Marlborough to find branches down everywhere and no power. Had no idea until I got home later how close we were to not having power for a week. Honorable mentions: 8/5/2015 hail storm and a fun drive down Beacon St in Brookline coming back from daycare with daughter in the car. 12/14/2007 snow gridlock. I was in school at LSC during the Perfect Storm and April Fools, so I didn't experience them directly, only from afar. Bob doesn't really make my list as for where we lived, it was a rainy, (really) windy day and we didn't even loose power.
  18. What? Nobody awake to post a TS Watch has been posted for the Cape and the Islands?
  19. So close.... Still would be pretty breezy Friday night into Saturday for anyone east of ORH and especially the Cape and the Islands.
  20. Was going to post this in the main thread, but figured it's better posted here. NHC waiting to lead the 11:00pm news with the upgrade back to a Cat 3 after leaving it at 110mph for now?
  21. Yeah, the TS conditions possible Friday night was a surprise on the point and click this evening.
  22. Usually I'd be all over if something was brewing for mid to late next week... ...but I'm going to the Cape for a vacation with some of our extended family...
  23. After 8? I guess they really wanted to try and get a winner since ties are an abomination in Baseball? I can't envision this game starting again tonight and the Royals play in Detroit tomorrow.
  24. Guess so. Surprised they are still playing considering lightning is within 8 miles and the area is under a severe warning.
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