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Everything posted by LSC97wxnut

  1. Just got back in from playing with my daughter. Best guesstimate is around 4" here in Newtonville.
  2. Solid 1/2 S at the moment. Guessing almost 2".
  3. Looks like I surprisingly made the right decision with the shovels. Accumulating nicely on paved surfaces here.
  4. WWA is up for inside 495. Guess BOX likes what the NAM was showing?
  5. The temp just rocketed up here in the last 10 minutes or so to 57.
  6. Sleet of some sort in Newtonville. 38.2*
  7. All snow here currently. Don't expect it to last long, but it's nice to see.
  8. Just about all grassy surfaces covered. Slushy accumulation on some paved surfaces. Kind of a mix falling now in Newtonville. 34.3*
  9. If there were any flakes in Newtonville earlier, I missed them. All rain currently at 38* or so.
  10. I'll second the black ice report. Nearly wiped out the car going over the 128 bridge by WCVB in Needham. Didn't quite spin out, but it was a tank slapper for sure.
  11. Comfortable night handing out candy for sure.
  12. Yeah, much fainter and in a slightly different direction, more NW. Still cool though...
  13. When I was in school in Lyndonvillle many moons ago, I caught the Aurora a few times, but it was mostly greens and just some streamers. Nothing like tonight.
  14. Woah! The Europe cams linked above are on fire! Hope it holds together for another couple of hours!
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