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Everything posted by mimillman

  1. Coating on everything except the roads, which it’s starting to stick to
  2. Visibility already down to half a mile or so it looks like. Flake size improving
  3. SN. Poor dendrite quality but that should change
  4. Oh wow. This is so worrying. Can you post the same GIF of the Euro, GFS, NAM, RGEM, SREF, and UKMET? I bet they show the same right???
  5. Pretty much setting up an 8-12 on those. I think 6-12” is good still
  6. SREF mean is now over 11” at ORD. Most members fall between 10-15” with one over 20”
  7. The RGEM was fantastic at this range with the last event
  8. Here’s the 18z Euro 10:1. I refuse to post the weenie kuchera in order to avoid mass hysteria in LOT
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