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Everything posted by mimillman

  1. Should be mod to light snow rest of the day here. Curious to see how any LE sets up tomorrow
  2. Near Milwaukee and Wood. So you’re a tad further northwest from me but close
  3. Plumes printing out another 8-10” for ORD
  4. Welcome to Chicago. Hope you like frequent disappointment
  5. Gotta love this RAP / CMC power combo. Would never have anything else on my side
  6. Our street is already covered but I swear it’s because (I kid you not) my neighbor came and shoveled snow from a snow bank on to the street? No idea why
  7. Joined the party here. Flurries have commenced
  8. Man we lost a lot of snow today. What mid 40s and some rain can do, think we lost 6-8” of snowcover
  9. If the RAP pulls a fast one, man oh man
  10. I think jokes aside this will shave ~2” off totals on the northern edge
  11. This was terrible luck last time just saying
  12. Spread on plumes at ORD is pretty solid 10-15”
  13. Call me a weenie, but the NAM and HRRR are initializing too far south with this rain band
  14. We are certainly over performing on temps here. 45 downtown
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