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Everything posted by HIPPYVALLEY

  1. I think you’ll be on the low end of that. Baking powder snow here. Hoping for 4-6” in Greenfield.
  2. Yeah, it wants to keep the snow going for a while.
  3. Yeah, storm is hauling. Hoping to hit 6” but glad it’s snowing regardless of totals.
  4. Yeah my ob was from 30 minutes ago, we pushing .75” already here. Snow growth is improving.
  5. Light to moderate baking powder now. Came in like a wall
  6. I don’t remember any models having the dark.
  7. That is more than a bit but I’ll watch Mesos and radar from here on out. Anything under 6” for RT 2 corridor is a bust imo. I am not at all implying that will happen nor do I think it will, just saying.
  8. Get out early and measure before it compacts! I think you and Scooter and the crew down that way will all do fine.
  9. You need to see every flake fall, you can sleep when you’re dead.
  10. Should we lock in an 1100 hour snow map?
  11. I like the Feb 16-17 period for a region wide big dog.
  12. Any big dog this year will have some weenies sacrificed at the alter and isn't happening in a fast compressed flow. I think we wait until mid-month for a MECS. Not discounting this weekend but high end will be 6"-8".
  13. Minor accumulations 2.5”-3” around here but as @Typhoon Tip alluded to, somewhat of a high impact event wrt road conditions etc. Compacted snow, freezing drizzle, temps in the teens. it actually turned out that canceling school was a good idea because roads are still not in great shape.
  14. The 18° drizzle is a nice touch. Everything coated.
  15. It’s actually not sleet here just very fine snow particles.
  16. Even the main roads in Greenfield are in pretty bad shape right now. All of that pre-salting did nothing at 16°.
  17. The next 10 days can easily end up fairly mediocre for SNE. I hope we don’t end up saying congrats mid Atlantic and then get a rainer.
  18. My wife says there’s about 2.5” on the driveway at home, a little over 2” in downtown Greenfield.
  19. I imagine the radar will backfill a bit or is this a two hour storm and done?
  20. I'm surprised the CRV got 14-18" I thought it was a more E MA affair. We lived in Cambridge at the time. I was in 4th grade and had no school for a week.
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