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Everything posted by HIPPYVALLEY

  1. I prefer to funk out with my junk out but either way, nice weekend incoming!
  2. I've been in sticking snow hiking the Lincoln-Lafeyette ridge line on Sept 20th. Late 90's but not sure what year. We were prepared but a lot of hikers were not and it got pretty dicey for some folks.
  3. Toughen up buttercup! I left the house with a sweatshirt this morning.
  4. .4" from 3 rounds of showers. Won't need to water the new vegetable transplants tomorrow.
  5. Good 15 minute downpour but only one low rumble of thunder.
  6. Wow, that sucks. We have been partly cloudy and 72F Got 3/4 of the vegetable garden planted and now taking a liquid lunch break with a Troegs "Field Study" IPA.
  7. Yeah, not a big fan myself. Usually have to go up once a year to blow pine needles out of the gullies.
  8. Ha, that's great, I only know you from the off topic threads.
  9. It's weird, I never see the Orioles around here but have all the others you mentioned. We also don't have birdfeeders out this year because of the herds of bears wandering around. Every neighbor has had their feeders taken.
  10. Hmmmm, how did I guess you would be the one that responded. ; ) so many great beer styles out there!
  11. Then please, if you are concerned with beer selection, then step up and rally everybody to go to "Dive Bar" in Worcester or Armsby Abbey. Both places have rotating beer lists beyond liquids you are even familiar with. https://armsbyabbey.com/draft-bottles/ https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Dive-Bar/100859273292690
  12. A Saturday or Sunday afternoon at MGM in Springfield would be fun.
  13. A few sprinkles here, glad I waited and didn't put grass seed down yet. If this were a winter storm I would be furious. Lol
  14. Sugarloaf got a foot of snow this week.
  15. Barely crocuses here. Nothing really budding yet.
  16. I thought it was early but the few I smacked looked like mosquitoes.
  17. Yeah, wasps, mosquitos and ticks this weekend. IPA makes the pain go away...
  18. Oh’ boy, ticks are out in numbers. Already pulling them off the kid and dogs. I swear, April and October are the worst for deer ticks.
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