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Everything posted by HIPPYVALLEY

  1. Got out of Savoy just before that last cell came throug. Saw an incredible lightning strike coming around the hairpin above N Adams.
  2. We are open field camping at 2200' so I'm really hoping for a complete fail on the storms.
  3. I just try to embrace the heat unless it is a prolonged stretch and then I fire up the A/C. The $ savings is nice but I'm not going to get heat stroke over and extra $30-40 on my bill. Honestly, for me, A/C makes me feel like sh*t, I get achy and drowsy from it. I will use it often in the car though.
  4. You got it! I'm not sure that place has ever hit 90F
  5. Haven't yet, camping at 2K this weekend so will probably wait until next week.
  6. How scattered are the storm chances over the Berkshires this weekend? I'll be camping up at Savoy Mt SF.
  7. Just got home 1.2" in the bucket.
  8. Plus only a few weeks of normal to above summer heat before a bit of pattern regression.
  9. How is Saturday looking for the N Berkshires? Currently models verbatim look a little showery. I'll be camping at an event out there this weekend.
  10. JFC, it just finds a way to rain every day.
  11. https://underourskin.com/#home-underourskin
  12. I have lettuce plants that literally look the same as they did 2 weeks ago in terms of growth.
  13. Wow, that is quite the power failure! https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-48652686
  14. Today was stunning, warm and dry. Could use more of that with rain every 3rd or 4th day to get my vegetable and herb garden going.
  15. Wait, what? I thought the chemicals were to hide UFO activity!?!
  16. Doesn't matter, it's 56F in mid-Jun, summer's back is already broken even if we torch for a stretch. I feel like this summer has been that lawn mower that takes 30 minutes of dickering before you get it started.
  17. A few hours of steady rain but 58F and mostly cloudy now.
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