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Everything posted by HIPPYVALLEY

  1. One of the warmest days I have ever felt in Falmouth. Nice near or on the water but baking just inland. I think Otis AFB hit 92-93F. Brightening SW wind doing it's job now, down to 84F at the cottage.
  2. Holy shit. Taunton knows how to do summer heat! My brother's key chain thermometer is reading 88F about 20' from the ocean. Pretty impressive for CC.
  3. Yeah, 1-2' rollers on the bay. That's Black Beach, only way in is by boat. Water is 68-70F
  4. Welp it's nice on the bay! Hippies like their beach is empty.
  5. 88F in Falmouth, that is full torch for this area.
  6. Get Randy Mosher's book, "Tasting Beer", brilliant and well written for the layman.
  7. You moved from one location that never hits 90 to another? Congrats!
  8. N Falmouth which is right on Buzzards Bay. I'm about 1/3mi from the water. Falmouth proper is not on the bay itself so a lot more land interaction on a W wind. But yeah, I'm just going by what the thermometer says.
  9. Yah' looks like some needed rain back home. 74F in N Falmouth. Fans getting it done but a/c on up in bedroom.
  10. Take a ride up to Fort Hill in Easthampton sometime. Me think you will likey.
  11. Breeze off the bay and high clouds are making things quite tolerable right now we beach
  12. 86 in Falmouth 83 at the beach but humidity is pretty nasty.
  13. Might be an all day beach day but yeah, if Falmouth is 90F the a/c comes on tomorrow night.
  14. Loll, a/c has only been widely used for about 50 years of human existence and people survived. I own plenty of air conditioners, just makes me fill shitty so only use them at home when necessary but use it frequently in the car. My pre-brewery life was 10 years teaching at an acupuncture college and Traditional Chines Medicine has nothing but disdain for "cold wind". All of my old Lithuanian relatives also spoke ill of it.
  15. Yeah, not with a steady SW breeze coming across Buzzards Bay. Maybe inland a few miles but I grew up down here and 90 is a rarity. Pretty foggy right now too. I'll cheers you while I'm sipping an IPA at Old Silver Beach. There's a/c I ain't installing though.
  16. At the family cottage in N Falmouth (1/2mi from Buzzards Bay) SW wind across the bay providing natural a/c. 70F. Plan on 2 full days of boating and beaching. I am sure some on here would question why anybody would want to escape the heat.
  17. Still cloudy here, 72F It's nice starting the day from a moderate launch pad. Helps ease one into the heat.
  18. 11-26/27-14, out this way, was a great, early season event.
  19. WTF is happening to this thread? #normal summer Gee, it's going to be hot for a few days in July. Wow, so anomalous. I've had A/C on for less than 48 hours this week. Tonight, fans in windows and I'm comfy, if not a bit chilly in shorts and tank top. #what is not to like?
  20. Yeah, no interest in a Summer 2018, that was the first time since we moved here in 2008 that we ever had mildew and mold.
  21. Yeah, at least the garden got moistened. I won't complain too much because less moisture to evaporate into the air over the weekend torch and I can always get the hoses out for the plants. Anyway, it beats last summer's mildew fest.
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