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Everything posted by HIPPYVALLEY

  1. 3 days of 80 or more coming for many Sat - Mon.
  2. 44.5F here. Don't worry, they will be out in force this weekend. Really need a freeze to knock them out.
  3. Did you wear leggings under your soccer shorts?
  4. I thought the Euro looked pretty warm overall for next week. Talk about boring weather but I'll enjoy the warm and dry pattern while it lasts.
  5. Just an absolute banner September for yellow jackets this year. I've never seen so many in so many places.
  6. No but more out of laziness than anything. If it's 80!s in Sept and humid I'll turn em' on for a few hours.
  7. Gorgeous today. Did the corn maze and hot sauce fest in Sunderland and it was 80F at the farm under blue sky.
  8. That's interesting because opposite here, some color is definitely starting to pop here in the valley but coming through Savoy Mt Pass in the Berkshires yesterday, it was mostly pale green, leathery leaves. It was kind of surprising because often they change first up there at 2k. Might have something to do with precipitation this summer?
  9. Great, raining here. Who doesn't love a rainy Saturday?
  10. Chupacubras sightings are the money shot.
  11. It's on your way to Pit2 http://cryptozoologymuseum.com/
  12. You are welcome to come stack wood here if you miss it. ; )
  13. Hockomock hell is cold and creepy. https://maps.roadtrippers.com/trips/15922081
  14. We were sitting by the fire tonight, watching how they receded by the 10 minute intervals.
  15. Warm is not far away next week, hoping Southern WNE gets in on it.
  16. GFS and Canadian both throwing highly anamolous temps over Hudson Bay next week. Weird looking pattern, not sure I buy it.
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