Staring at a bunch of models last night the disjointed mid-level mess scenario was my leanings but I know nothing. Let’s see how models trend with strength of secondary next few days.
The boy got up first, I thought something was wrong the way he yelled “daddy come quick” and then I saw the cars covered in snow. It would have been nice to actually see it coming down because I bet it was dumping.
It must've come down pretty good here in the wee hours because I measured almost 1.25" on the picnic table at 6am. That was completely unexpected in the valley. (400')
Today's trends have not been favorable in track, precipitation, mid-level temps and unrealistic weenie enthusiasm. Sleet in NYC right now does not equate to better chance of anyone is SNE seeing a flip to snow in the morning.
I think N Conway NH to Rangely ME are the only real favorable places to be. It wouldn't surprise me to see no accumulations S of Lakes Region of NH. This storm will be too far NE before the necessary combination dynamics come together. 850 temps on the mesos don't get there until the heaviest precipitation is cruising out of here.