It’s relatively tame MBY (I mean, it’s gusty, and the pines are rattling) but it sounds like an absolute freight train 1000 feet above my head. Absolute thunderous roars that we can hear in the living room with the TV on.
What a night!
just got back to Greenfield from Northampton. I-91 was snow covered and slow with snow and ground blizzards.
Close to 1.5” new in the driveway.
I’ll need to update the snow table by at least 2 inches from my morning report. Quite a stormy 24 hours. Wind is absolutely howling up high with occasional white out blowing snow.
Still light to moderate snow in Northampton. 1” new.
going to take it slow back to Greenfield.
looks beautiful though with snow sticking to trees and everything else.
We came down to Northampton to meet friends for dinner. Streets are a mess with Pond water. Has flipped to moderate snow. Temperature definitely feels like it’s dropped below freezing now.