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Everything posted by HIPPYVALLEY

  1. This will end up being a top-five summer weekend for weather. What a stunner.
  2. Not sure I can leave Falmouth tomorrow, may have to keep the kid out of school Monday to help him understand spectacular Septembers...
  3. This will end up being a top-five summer weekend for weather.
  4. Stunning beach day today. Wind out of the north so Buzzards Bay is flat calm on the Cape side.
  5. Pretty warm in Falmouth. Outside thermometer says 82° a half mile from the water.
  6. Should I wait until mid week to set off the leftover Fourth of July fireworks?
  7. Going to Falmouth to help the folks this weekend. I am so excited for a long, sunny swim in Buzzards Bay. Water should still be close to 70°.
  8. Not W of the river but I’m sure Boston metro will make a run.
  9. We are talking top-five summer day right now! Just incredible. Sunny warm and dry.
  10. Big day. I motivated to rebuild my kegerator after work, go get CO2 and get beer flowing. However the big accomplishment was preparing and canning a sizeable batch of peach hot sauce with about 75% home garden ingredients. It came out sweet and tangy with a medium heat profile. Peaches all come ripe at once and half end up on the ground so I was extra motivated.
  11. I don't really see high DP's so 80F at Stowe for 2 hours in the afternoon is not that outrageous. Over night lows will probably be closer to normal?
  12. I mean, the GFS has low 80's up into Ontario and Quebec. That's warm for September.
  13. Yeah, maybe? I just always knew them as Wolf. Doesn't matter as long as they stay outside.
  14. It's a Wolf Spider. Pretty intimidating looking but not super venomous to humans. Fun to see outside but on the rare occasion they get in my garage or basement they get the shop vac removal.
  15. Had a total of .15" evening/night. Enough to water the plants/grass. Rivers are low, will be interested to see them in a week of so.
  16. Actually looks like that line of heavy showers is getting dried out pretty quickly coming through the Berkshires. Might only pick up a tenth.
  17. I just assume Greenfield is a lock for a half inch of rain with just about any precipitation threat in the warm season.
  18. 10 or so years ago I had a friend drop a snowboard on my toe in the parking lot at Vail. Off the chart pain until I did the late night surgical drainage with a sterilized push pin.
  19. I swear I saw one in the woods on the Greenfield/Shelburne line, the morning after the 2011 October snow storm. I had seen bobcats before and this was a bigger cat with no tail.
  20. I-91 from Northampton to St Johnsbury is basically, "keep it under 80mph and you are good". edit: Based on my experiences and advice from LE friends.
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