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Everything posted by HIPPYVALLEY

  1. A huge section of the "major impact" area looks like that. Milton will end up being known as the condo inundator. . .
  2. Tampa Bay area has been ground zero for days and there is nothing to solidly indicate that won't be the case +/- 30mi N or S. A super populated area that is all under the gun.
  3. I have not read your latest update but I'm guessing you are expecting this to be a significantly expanded storm by landfall in terms of wind field?
  4. Over perpetual wetlands, rivers, streams and canals. A LF anywhere N of TB would mean storm surge coming in against billions of gallons of runoff coming into the bay.
  5. I just did a closely zoomed, satellite image tour, from TB to Naples and the amount of development on or near the coast is mind boggling. Bumper to bumper development, on the ocean, with neighborhoods interwoven with rivers and canals. This is going to be an expensive storm. I hope people took the evacuation zones seriously.
  6. I’m thinking yes. Comes ashore as a strong category three with a greatly expanded wind field.
  7. I mean, it won't be close to the headline news in this one but Orlando looks to get whacked pretty good.
  8. Obviously the surge on the W Coast will be insane but this will have some pretty dramatic wind and rain right across the peninsula. Lots of tree damage, power outages and fresh water flooding.
  9. That whole coast from TB to Naples is heavily developed and populated so a major catastrophe is imminent and unavoidable.
  10. 100 years ago when there was a fraction of the population and development. Crazy scenario incoming.
  11. I would want no part of that. it’s a cool little city I hate to see what happens.
  12. Track will bounce around for another day at least.
  13. I think Hilton Head / Savannah might be the same. Many threats but rarely hit.
  14. That can be said for many areas on the East Coast and even the Gulf Coast. There are only so many major hurricanes every year so odds are not high for most major cities.
  15. Low of 39F in Greenfield this morning. See if we can get more than .10" tomorrow.
  16. “Carolina Dog” the American Dingo. Third one I’ve adopted over the years. https://www.dogster.com/dog-breeds/carolina-dog
  17. You cannot get much nicer in October!
  18. That's thumpin' foliage! I was a little concerned earlier this week about muted colors but Brattleboro to Greenfield corridor should be bumpin' next week. Lots of maples popping bright now.
  19. I can’t even recall the last time we had a stretch this dry.
  20. Cool shot coming but no flakes and then more AN.
  21. I put this over in the main Helene thread but thought I would leave it here also. crazy
  22. As more pictures and videos come out the damage seems unimaginable. Entire neighborhood washed away, long stretches of roads washed away, bridges destroyed. The national media is just today starting to pick up on how bad it was. Tens of thousands of people’s lives are still going to be affected long after we have forgotten about it.
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