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Everything posted by HIPPYVALLEY

  1. I am in Wilbraham and there’s about a half inch or so. my mother-in-law‘s funeral is today so at least the snow brightens things up, better than cold rain!
  2. 16F at 10:15pm. Maybe hit single digits by morning but DP is 11F so maybe just miss.
  3. Hopefully this winter we don't get the cosmic dongening. (A nod to @Typhoon Tip there)
  4. That would be awesome if North Carolina got 3x Stowe’s totals.
  5. Man, parts of RI just getting drowned today;
  6. Get some rope to set up lanes for chicken freestyle races later.
  7. The “messenger shuffle” isn’t that common in these set ups but yeah I know what you mean.
  8. Torrential rain in the past 30 minutes. 1.5”
  9. In Greenfield forecast temps failed by 10+ degrees and wind by a huge margin. Even the rain was a good .5" less than forecast. Pedestrian on all fronts, happens sometimes.
  10. I'm not sure we have even gusted above 5 mph here.
  11. Just shocking. Pedestrian rain in the valley, has not warmed above 38F and I'm assuming no wind gusts to speak of here.
  12. Yeah pretty nasty day but at least we are missing the heavy rain in the valley.
  13. Still 37F here with light to occasionally moderate rain. 0.3" so far.
  14. Yeah, nobody in NNE is getting wiped out wrt snowpack. The ski areas will have their work cut out for them with grooming and rebuilding but it won’t be a full on Grinch. as usual, winds will disappoint outside of inland coastal and elevation. I’m anticipating highest gusts around 25-30 mph in the valley.
  15. Unless it’s a thunderstorm, the valley is generally where wind goes to die.
  16. I have a prescription for those but I’ve been procrastinating getting them because I think I’m younger than I am.
  17. Grinch coming early this year and then Christmas week, starts the lean towards a decent early to mid-winter period.
  18. I dunno', pattern looks to turn neutral to favorable during Christmas week for Southern New England. That would be nice.
  19. May not work for us this week but you’ll come to learn that Brattleboro to Greenfield corridor knows how to cold air damn with the best of them. Many a year while the Grinch storms devastate most areas we stay at a pack preserving, 34° rain through much of the event. I mean, when there is actually pack to preserve.
  20. A little over an inch in Greenfield. The now rare snow on snow event. Lol
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