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Everything posted by HIPPYVALLEY

  1. That got a nice little subsidence hole for me and Prismsun. Northampton too. Shattered dendrites below 500’ out here?
  2. Yeah, as of now I would lean towards the higher end of that. Depending on where this ends up we could catch some of the western deformation zone.
  3. This will slide East a bit. 4”-6” for you 2”-4” for me and Prismshine. Should finally be a nice event for Eastern peeps.
  4. That’s odd, most of Greenfield and Deerfield just lost power. That’s a sizable outage. I’m assuming something must’ve gone wrong at a substation.
  5. You have nothing to worry about but it would be nice to see everybody from the canal to the Berkshires get some snow.
  6. I’ll be staying in Glen about 30 minutes from Breton Woods.
  7. I know the cross country areas are kind of hurting around N Conway and Jackson,
  8. yeah I’m thinking more about the Pinkham Notch side of the mountains not the Crawford Notch side. I forget that there can be a really big difference between the two.
  9. That wouldn’t bother me since I’m heading to North Conway the following weekend. The White Mountains are desperate for snow.
  10. Fast flow, destructive interference, compression… it seems like it’s been going on for multiple years in a row now.
  11. In case anybody cares, today is the anniversary of the Great Molasses Flood in Boston. It was definitely a weather related event. https://www.history.com/news/great-molasses-flood-science
  12. I’m going to watch for another day or so but it’s certainly possible this even ends up meh’ for the WoC crowd. (West of Canal)
  13. I hope mods ban the first weenie who makes a “we need the rain” post when a cutter looks imminent.
  14. Their bodies literally produce antifreeze proteins. I was reading a study about how ticks may actually passing on these antifreeze proteins to field mice.
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