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Everything posted by HIPPYVALLEY

  1. Crushed! Major once in a lifetime weather event for those folks and pretty exciting for us weenies watching. The pictures of inches of snow right to the beaches is so cool.
  2. My brother said snow has begun in Hilton Head. i’ll ask him to send me some pictures.
  3. Jay Peak at 200” season to date, Wildcat at 42”! Absolute porkage east of the Presedentials. Hopefully turn that around, thank God for snow making.
  4. I think it’s amazing. I wish they were more pictures and reports coming in.
  5. You think maybe we get some red flag warnings in February?
  6. It must be absolute paralysis down there.
  7. Already below zero here before midnight. -2/-5
  8. 2/-4 Going below zero tonight.
  9. Jeezuz, how is there no ice? People are walking on rivers around here.
  10. Not too often I get the early fronto and then the deform. Warning criteria met and surpassed for the first time this snow season.
  11. I have to go to bed but it's still legit moderate snow here. Did not expect that radar fill in, maybe we do get close to 6' in Greenfield.
  12. I'm guessing just the western deformation zone as the storm cranks off the coast and heads NE? Either way, nice ending.
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