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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Lol, the depression didn't even wait for after the storm with that one. That sleet-infused cement did have some staying power though as I recall
  2. I remember watching the dual pol sleet line racing north through Jersey and LI early that morning and knew the forecasts were in trouble
  3. Wanna say Jan '18 blizzard for last double digit hit. Not that long ago, but I've been badly spoiled by the last decade.
  4. You have to say his name three times to summon him. But it's a bit early for that.
  5. That was much more extreme blocking as I recall, but the general flavor is right.
  6. At ease, DT, I kid. And I've been around long enough to not trust snow maps at 24 hours, let alone a week out.
  7. It's showing zero for Richmond. Seems pretty spot on to me.
  8. I'd lock that in a second. That's my whole winter of '19-'20 with inches to spare!
  9. Some things never change: "WXRisk admitted it was a bust, referring to the storm as a Pamela Anderson storm, (a bust and everyone knows it), Kind of a generic admittal but making sure he dragged every other forecaster into it, after all, they said it toooo, waaaaaahhh. I can't wait to see how Bastardi refers to this tomorrow. He REALLY hyped this thing up and even was patting himself on the back in the last 3 posts for predicting this baby 2 weeks ago. He warned of life-threatening situations and historical consequences. I enjoy and respect Mr. Bastardi's column, it will be interesting to see if he "takes out the garbage" big time, or tries to spin some kind of twisted, weak victory because a few places in New England got 2'."
  10. Kinda like Jan '15 down in the NYC area.
  11. Looks like we start to shut down here soon. Oh well. There will be others.
  12. In the past few minutes, I've had a few weak sauce versions of what you recalled with such crystalline lucidity yesterday. A sudden roar of wind, a momentary darkening of the sky and a whipped bombardment of super wet flakes. Not of the same ilk as your changeover in '92, not by a country mile; these williwaws did not herald a permanent phase change--in fact it's back to mostly rain now--but there seemed a faint kinship with or echo of your memory in the proceedings that made me smile.
  13. May be hallucinating, but appears to be some very wet flakes mixing in.
  14. I had all of 9 inches last winter. I'm grasping at straws here!
  15. Elevation def helping there. Nothing but rain in the valley. Stack it up!
  16. Temp hanging out at 40 down here. Not happening, James.
  17. Maybe towards the very end? That's my hope, but I don't expect much tbh. Although you're in a better spot locally. A bit more elevation. I'm smack dab on the valley floor, so you may do better.
  18. Radar looks like the death band from Feb '13 down here at the moment. Sadly it's in liquid form.
  19. Yeah, not taking the bait down here. Told my bro in Berlin, Mass. to gas up the blower and the genny, however.
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