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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. You ain't kidding. What a shellacking on that run. Too bad Reggie sucks.
  2. Nasty gradient. Dusting at the CT border and like 8-10" at the shore?
  3. Does three years count? An inch of snow to me is like a rail of Peruvian bambam for someone who just spent six months in the Betty Ford Clinic.
  4. No, I was trying to be sanguine about the rain.
  5. Very very wet snow. So wet it's congregating in puddles and running off into the storm drains.
  6. Nor am I, but I gather temperatures between -12 to -18C in the DGZ with sufficient lift is most important for ratios. Surface temps don't make that much of a contribution.
  7. I recall some posters down there saying "f&*k New England" when we were trying to sneak minor goodies from storms that nailed them, so schadenfreude away!
  8. Reggie slaughters. GFS on the short bus with the JMA now.
  9. Yeah, guaranteeing 2' is a bad proposition. You're just setting yourself up for disappointment. But guaranteeing no one sees it is also silly. It can happen under the right circumstances, even in a relatively short duration storm.
  10. Only Norlun I've ever experienced. It was sweet.
  11. You never know. I pulled 27" in Jan '11 and that was less than 12 hrs.
  12. I tip my cap. Such a combination would do me in for a week lol.
  13. These maps almost perfectly correlate to the present length of SNE weenies in those zones. Well...maybe not the 12"+
  14. Lay off the Crown for a few hours and try again?
  15. Incidentally, Hamden was forecast to get 12-18" in that storm. Talk about a positive bust!
  16. True, though I was in Boston for that one. Jan '11 was pretty epic down here though. I also got to be in Boston for 2015, so my winter storm bingo card is pretty much full at this point.
  17. I just want to beat my 2020 season in one go. Just have to crack 10".
  18. That's awesome. I saw Ricky Fowler on the course a few years back, but my cousin wins the prize: he actually played a round with Larry Fitzgerald. I'm told his accuracy is not great, but he can rip a hole in the space-time continuum when he connects.
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