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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Snowing in Brooklyn already. Don't think it's holding off until 8 here, but we'll see.
  2. Southbury Weather Center. It's a subscription service for the weeniest of weenies.
  3. https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/nexrad/?parms=DIX-N0Q-0-24-100-usa-rad
  4. Yeah, like the higher spots of the Bethany/Oxford area sneaking a 20 spot wouldn't be totally out there.
  5. Yes, hard to find fault with that. Starting to blow up in Jersey too.
  6. Had a minor bipolar episode last night, but giddy as fook right now. Best December event in a couple decades probably.
  7. That would expiate the sins of the last few winters.
  8. Lol, much as I would like to believe it, have to toss that output.
  9. Damn, radar in the VA/MD area is juiced. I like it. I like it a lot.
  10. First pixels showing up on radar. 36 hours of snow clock starts now!
  11. Silver lining this year would be that I could sit outside with my grandma. Can't see her otherwise.
  12. Moon angle is an often overlooked aspect of snowfall forecasting. And let's not forget Andromeda while we're at it!
  13. They see what James sees. This will be a sub 900mb monster as it detonates over the Gulf Stream and floods the Cape with a 20 foot surge. Blinding snow on the Common will mingle with deadly flying glass from the Pru as the dawn awakens tomorrow.
  14. Feel better! Found out yesterday three of my neighbors are recovering from it. One was in the ICU for a week, one had mild pneumonia and one basically had a bad cold. Weird disease.
  15. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, the RPM does this...and totally redeems itself!
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