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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Nah. Nothing left to melt at that point.
  2. Coming down at a good clip. Roads covered, everything coated in fresh white vestments; got a fire going, tree lit, Bing Crosby Christmas crooning; just a fine winter afternoon.
  3. Actually coming down nicely at the moment. Beautiful out there.
  4. Nice little mood snow to cover the brown slush. This is the best week of winter in a few years down here, so I'm really enjoying it, Christmas torch be damned. Pattern looks decent going forward, too.
  5. Yeah that's brutal. I'll be using COD if that's a permanent thing.
  6. Sure was! Amen, brother. Glad you're feeling better.
  7. You thinking of the Norlun on 1/8/11? Put down a quick 8-15" a few days before the monster.
  8. Yeah, noted for sure for future reference. It was a very solid storm for sure, but a pity we dryslotted/sleeted for so much of the overnight hours.
  9. Certainly pegged the sleet down here well. I dismissed them out of hand, but they were spot on.
  10. I'm gonna say it: If I were in a town that got 24", but knew that a few miles away they were stackin up 40"+ under a 6"/hr band, I'd melt. I'd melt real bad.
  11. That's insane for any storm, but especially for a relatively short-lived one.
  12. 10" or so, or in less common units, one 2020 winter.
  13. Hamden DPW for the loss. Must've blown their budget clearing trees after Isaias and the tornado. Haven't plowed my street once. Won't be heading in to work until they do.
  14. Yes, snow was a lot heavier and stickier than I expected.
  15. It's impressive. Wind roaring down here too. Would not want to be on the road.
  16. Occasionally when the wind blows, but mainly awesome dendrites. I can barely see my neighbor's trees across the street. Gotta be 3-4"/hr type rates.
  17. Yeah this is up there with the first band. Pounding.
  18. It's weird. It's dumping snow, visibility came way down, but then every so often I get a gust of wind and a few pingers.
  19. Really hoping that heavy band pivoting off the sound can stay mostly snow. C'mon baby!
  20. Band on Long Island starting to pivot. If it's chiefly snow we'll be in business.
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