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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Kudos to Wiz for doggedly pointing out the red flags for the wind forecast.
  2. Merry Xmas, Steve. Glad you're well enough to celebrate at home.
  3. Merry Christmas ya filthy animals! The Grinch stole all my snow light night. Pack is totally obliterated, but on the plus side, I have power. Wind roared for a few hours, but much of it stayed off the surface, so we're probably in the clear.
  4. I do property management and after Isaias I've had enough of tenants whining about getting power back on lol.
  5. Ditto. I like modern conveniences like electricity.
  6. Definitely hearing the roar overhead, but not too bad at the surface so far. Maybe we folks near the coast can stay under an inversion.
  7. Still have a full pack. Turns out that sleet was a blessing.
  8. It would not have occurred to me to consider extreme heat or cold, but my inclusion would probably be the March '12 torch. Walking home from work across Boston common with people stretched out on blankets and wearing sundresses as the temps pushed 80 for multiple days was special. Magnolias even started blooming. Just so so anomalous.
  9. Yes, a week of solid cover in December is a big win in these parts. The 1" refresher on Sunday was gorgeous as well. Not a bad stretch, despite the Grinchiness.
  10. Sleet infused pack holding tough down here.
  11. Maybe we get the 40" deform instead of Ludlow lol.
  12. I was still in the early days of discovering that there was an internet-based community of weather geeks in 2011 (a wonderful find), and did not yet have the sophistication to separate the knowledgeable from the clowns. Hence, I recall Henry Margusity harping on about a -NAO (whatever that was) and putting on his "big-dog" hat. Same for Bastardi, who instead worked in weird wrestling motifs into his always-cold-and-snowy forecasts. The sting of Boxing Day and the brutal torch that followed quickly passing into elation with the novelty of a Norlun trough and then outright orgasmic delight with the monster on January 12th. I remember being baffled trying to follow along on Eastern as people threw out the latest runs of models with weird names like the DGEX, JMA, NOGAPS and CRAS, as well a curious sobriquets like "drunk Uncle" etc. But eventually I grasped the lingua franca and it's been a fun ride since.
  13. Ah yes, winter golf, when a well hit drive goes about 180 yards and then plugs in a fairway that is wetter and softer than an Irish bog.
  14. Linemen will be getting a huge Xmas bonus this year.
  15. How did you guys do in 10/17? That was a beast out here and especially out towards eastern Mass.
  16. Interesting that you can kind of see a bit of inversion right on the immediate coast with the gust product. Still windy as hell though.
  17. Dude, didn't you pull like a foot last week? That's a win in my book.
  18. There was another small one in North Haven in 2016 as well. The shape of the valley must affect the helicity locally or something.
  19. I was being kind of facetious with that list tbh. July '89 F4 absolutely retains my top spot, though. My godmother's house got completely wrecked in that tornado. I remember one of her slate shingles was driven several inches into the trunk of an oak tree next door. Feb '13 would take my number two spot if I had been in Hamden for it. Sadly I was in Boston (it was still pretty epic up there).
  20. The 10/30/17 "forgettable" storm was an awesome event.
  21. 1. July '89 Hamden tornado 2. 2018 Hamden/North Haven tornado. 3. 2020 Hamden/North Haven tornado. 4. Feb '13 5. Multi-way tie: Sandy, Jan '15, Jan '96.
  22. I'm curious, if the cold water tends to protect the shoreline from high end wind, what allowed the March 12, 2010 event to slam Fairfield county so hard?
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