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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Didn't realize the antecedent air mass is crap. Thought this weekend's blast was sticking around a bit longer.
  2. At this range, I'd much rather have it in that spot. Always need room for that last minute correction NW.
  3. GFS sucks with nor'easters. Made Feb '13 look like a pusillanimous POS right up until go-time.
  4. Looks like most of the normal retail brokerage platforms went down. This is getting nuts.
  5. I looked at AMC yolo calls yesterday morning and didn't pull the trigger. The March expiration $6 strike was like a buck. Oh well lol.
  6. You wonder if some institutions that are short these in-play names are getting forced to sell some of their longs.
  7. Lol, I looked at GME as a cigar butt type stock last year and it didn't pass the sniff test. Guess it falls in the "what could've been" category now. Pretty surreal to watch at any rate.
  8. The 2011 Norlun was one of my favorite weather events ever. Hope you pull it off, Jimbo.
  9. Why TF are plows plowing wet roads? This is ridiculous.
  10. This blows. If next week doesn't deliver I'm gonna lose it.
  11. Tippy's thread for the threat is up. Weenies....asseeeeemblllle!
  12. Tippy pairing "constructive" with "interference" in the same sentence is not an everyday event.
  13. Let's hope that means we're due for favorable regression the next few years.
  14. I'm rather fascinated by the east to west moving elements on radar over Long Island.
  15. Welp, this is looking like a non-event here. We're on to next week!
  16. lol, 3 feet for Virginia? We'll see.
  17. Gigantic pingers with a few flakes mixed in.
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