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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. That's the same spot NAM was crushing in Jersey. That's where the best fronto was. Come on, baby. Bring it north. Come to Butthead.
  2. We pray for that last minute north trend. Get that good fronto up in here.
  3. Long Island gets smoked on a lot of those ensembles too. Just need to push that good fronto north another 50 miles.
  4. After 1.5" for the month of Jan, 2-4" in one storm would be a crush job.
  5. PTSD. Got 3" that melted while areas to my east and west were well over a foot. Awful awful storm.
  6. Getting strong March '18 vibes from this one now. Gonna expect about 3" and hope we sneak 6.
  7. How does one sell if buying isn't allowed?
  8. Yep, for that reason I tend to stick to long-dated puts if I have the conviction to be short. At least I know what my maximum loss is.
  9. You need not care for short sellers, but they actually do serve an important role in price discovery, uncovering corporate bad behavior, and providing liquidity. It does not bode well for the markets generally when you have such a one-sided bullish slant.
  10. We who are about to die salute you!
  11. That trepidation seemed fairly warranted in my opinion. Exotic fujiwara with marginal boundary layer is not exactly a layup. We knew the potential was there for a biggie, but it seemed there was a lot that could go wrong. It did for southern RI.
  12. Yeah, I mean AMC was like $4 yesterday at this time. That's a nice return in all of 24 hours.
  13. Yep. I would've said the exact same thing about Gamestop, but then it blew up even more. Fun to watch from a safe distance at any rate.
  14. Kinda curious to see what AMC does after hours. Does it pull a Gamestop or does it pull the rug?
  15. TSLA was also the original weekly options gamma squeeze stock. That's been going on for a good year at least, but now it's spilling over into other names.
  16. With Pelosi long $1 million in Tesla calls? I dunno.
  17. I would think the queens would be pretty happy with that output. Euro tends to underdo QPF if memory serves.
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