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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. All the silver bugs who have been arguing for years it's way undervalued are probably ecstatic.
  2. We've been so close to getting smoked. Really hoping for a few last minute ticks.
  3. It's clear that someone in the MA is getting bombed. We just have to hope that things trend a little at the last minute to get us the goods.
  4. Let it freeze after to preserve the pack for future cutters.
  5. Just need like 30 mile push north. Come on baby. Do it for mama.
  6. Central banks and endless printing are the greatest threat to fiat currencies. My two cents, for what little they're worth, is that we will face another period like last February/March at some point, during which precious metals will be just another source of liquidity. Then will be the time to buy.
  7. Thanks, that puts me somewhat at ease. I'm in the southern part of town north of East Rock, so I have a bit of elevation, but nothing like the Gaylord area.
  8. How are you feeling about the risk of downsloping in the valley? Ray's got me spooked.
  9. He has an industrial tub of Vaseline he dips himself in like a candle.
  10. I'm watching DXY. If that trends reverses, things could get interesting in a hurry.
  11. Yeah, I'm just thinking that with probably 100 million plus new float and various platforms restricting purchases to small lots, it's rather remarkable how resilient it's been. Makes me wonder what happens next week.
  12. Unpopular pick: long dated IWM puts.
  13. It's amazing to me that AMC hasn't collapsed despite a debt to equity conversion and what, two capital raises in the last few days?
  14. I'm pretty confident we're boned down here. Steve up to Worcester gonna get smoked though.
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