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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Western CT 15-20"+, bullseye shifted from Allentown to northern NJ with 30"+. Like the way it's been trending. Just a few more ticks needed.
  2. While I discount Reggie heavily, 6z did continue the northeast trend with the heaviest goodies. Baby what a thump.
  3. I like that Reggie run. Plenty of room for that last minute NE correction.
  4. Oof. Old Codfish in Springfield would have a few choice words if that played out.
  5. Dude, you live in the wrong place if you have a pack fetish.
  6. Really? I thought we got close to that fast moving storm in '17. Far SW CT must've hit that in the '16 blizzard.
  7. Not uncommon with Miller Bs to get a little last minute east trend, if history is any guide.
  8. Regression may come for the Connecticuters. But it not this day!
  9. With a particular predilection towards the absythe. I still remember the Feb '13 run where it dumped like 80" on Ray.
  10. NAM actually did a good job here in December. Sniffed out our dry slot/mixing issues. Let's hope it's not hitting the bottle here.
  11. Best since probably 2016 in this area if it played out like that.
  12. NAM looks pretty fooking awesome here. This was the one I was waiting for. Crushed.
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