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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. 2013 style death band there. Lucky dude!
  2. Now we're talking. Rippage now. All my thought is bent on pulling that band up from Long Island.
  3. I little surprised OKX didn't go with blizzard warnings for the immediate coast.
  4. Starting to crank now. Much better snow growth, visibility coming down.
  5. They'll probably double that in the next four to five hours.
  6. If I can scrape together 4 to 5 inches from this lighter stuff before that mega band comes in, I'm confident we can crack 15".
  7. Wind starting to assert itself.
  8. Was just going to say, NAM is sick.
  9. I think I'm most stoked that the meat if this is coming during the day. It's been a while since we've been smoked with ample daylight.
  10. It would be sick if it played out like that.
  11. Yep. I know that from experience, but it still messes with me lol. Hope you rock later, Steve!
  12. Here we go. Much better snow growth again.
  13. Think you can get over the 15" hump today?
  14. Yeah, that needs to fill. Had me worried last night and it's still lurking this morning.
  15. We're being taken to Poundtown right now. Gorgeous fluffy snow coming down.
  16. Nice snow growth this morning. Gorgeous flakes!
  17. Eyeballing just about 2" so far. That subby hole still lurking off shore, but hopefully will move away. Interesting patchy appearance to the radar, which I assume will tighten up as this matures.
  18. If that thing sticks around and pulls a March '13 on us, I will go nuclear lol.
  19. "Over cooked daughter ham bust"... James Joyce would be proud.
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